Meet the talented sculptors working in metal, stone, and glass on San Juan Island.
Meet the Glass Artists of San Juan Island
Meet the talented glass artists of San Juan Island.
Meet the Ceramic Artists of San Juan Island
Meet the ceramic artists of San Juan Island.
Meet the Fiber Artists of San Juan Island
These are the fiber artists that will be on the San Juan Island Artists’ Studio Tour this year.
Meet the Jewelers of San Juan Island
There are several jewelry artists on the tour, working with different metals, stones, semi-precious jewels, and more.
Meet the Woodworkers of San Juan Island
Meet the woodworkers that will be on the San Juan Island Artists’ Studio Tour this year.
2023 Tour Map - Find Your Favorite Artists!
You can pick up a printed brochure/map when you start the tour at many of the lodgings on San Juan Island, as well as every studio on the tour.